Saturday, July 31, 2004

Virtues and Vices

One of the things that is interesting to note with regards to the homosexual marriage agenda is the justifications that proponents make in their minds. Homosexuality is considered to be genetic, something that one cannot control. Given the presuppositions then that most Americans hold, there is no reason that the cannot take part in family and society in the same way that heterosexuals can. In fact, to discriminate against a homosexual because of their biological urges goes against the American virtues of equality (or bland sameness) and individualism (or freedom from societal responsibilities).

To many Americans, these arguments are persuasive. That's why so much of the battle is fought over whether homosexuality is genetic (to which I respond "Who cares?"). If homosexuality is in fact genetic, then our virtues dictate that we accept it in the public square. After all, they're not hurting anyone, right?

And therein lies the problem, and the point of this post. Our problem as a people, and especially in the Church, is that our virtues need repented of. And this is great difficulty we have, and that men have always had apart from the grace of God. We cling to our sins not because we hate ourselves or want to openly defy God, but because we think they're our virtues. The Pharisees thought they were serving God when they crucified Christ. They made long prayers for a pretense, and their condemnation was all the greater. So it goes with us. We keep certain sins around that we know to be vices, and we fight against them to assuage our consciences. But our wicked virtues are the sins that bring the judgment of God upon us, because we refuse to repent of them.

We must let this knowledge guide us as we seek reformation in our lives and churches. We must pray that God would show us where we have sinned and how we cling to our stubborn sins, and then be willing to repent of them when we see them. And we should start by looking to our virtues first.

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