Saturday, January 22, 2005


Evolution is quite a funny theory, when you think about it. It points out the best in modern secular unbelief. Consider:

A modern evolutionist does not believe in a Creator because he says it is too far-fetched and mystical. Yet he believes in amoebas turning into dogs turning into men.

A modern evolutionist does not believe in a Creator because he cannot find evidence of such a thing in the laboratory. Yet who has ever seen any of the transformations mentioned above occur? We have more statistical and testimonial evidence of ghosts and extraterrestrial beings than of dogs turning into men.

A modern evolutionist does not believe in a Creator because he claims to work from data rather than from faith. Again, where is the data for such astonishing transfigurations? A man may as well believe in chariots turning into pumpkins, or frogs into princes. At least some folks remember such things happening, if only in their oral traditions.

It seems that we Christians may have something to learn from our modern evolutionist friends, for they have much greater faith than many of us.

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